
Saturday, May 9, 2009

THE SEAL FILLER: the most inappropriate and incoherent "first post" I could ever hope for

I had an epiphany today, and it came to me when I misread the name of a dreary Rom-Com so that it sounded more like Pinniped Pornography.

In the subtitle of this Blog I call myself a "Twenty something". This term used to stand for starting your adult life, venturing out into the "big, bad world" and other such terrifying cliche's, Young Urban Professionals and all that. Only a decade or so ago shows like Friends and This Life were showcasing people my age in steady careers, a life path laid out in front of them. Well these "Twenty somethings" are now "Thirty somethings", stuck in the humdrum monotony of real life, the survivors of a bygone era that saw becoming a twenty-odd year old as a signal for growing up.

I realised, as I sat chuckling at the thought of Interspecial lovin' for far longer than was probably healthy, that something has changed. Not long after Friends and This Life came Spaced (starring Simon Pegg of Hot Fuzz and Star Trek fame), a sitcom representing the modern Twenty somethings: overgrown kids finding it hard to adjust to real life, living in a semi-fantasy world, clutching onto the pipe-dream of having an "arty" media based job. I am very much that kind of 23 year old. Real life scares the Holy Bejeezuz out of me! Sure, I have a dream, but I have enough realist in me to know that the field I want to work in is very competitive and very hard to break. The thought of the alternative is what frightens me: working some dreary 9 to 5 I don't want to be stuck in, staring at the same Cubicle walls for 40 years.

To delay the inevitable I ran away from home. Not in a joining the Circus type way don't get the wrong idea. I took a year away from real life in the hope that, with another year of maturity under my belt I would be a Friends or This Life twenty something, certain of the rest of my life. With four months left until I go home I've been seriously considering this but, as I sit here still giggling at the thought of Sealsploitation Erotica, I realise I'm definitely a Spaced Twenty something, or at the very least Egg.

1 comment:

  1. If ever such things don't make you laugh, I don't know if you would be you anymore.
    If you start wearing cardigans and drinking wine, and only laughing at things in directors chair screenings, wouldn't life become as dreary as those dreaded cubicle walls? Cynical, weary and drawn out, whining and drinking claret...ugh.
    Wit does not have to be highbrow, and Spaced-style-twenty-something do not have to be unsophisticated.Even if it is unrealistic, his drawing were amazing, the artwork was surreal and beautiful, and the plans that leave us racing through cities we don't know, or waking up in the wrong countries are always essentially good ones.
    It's the world thats wrong.
    We're perfectly alright as we are.
